• AG电投厅

    Monoclonal Antibody

    • <b>Zinc Iron Folic Acid B-Vit Vit-C (X-vit)</b>

      Product Description:

      Product Features:

      Product Name : X-Vit
      Generic Name : Zinc Iron Folic Acid B-Vit Vit-C
      Formulation : Capsule
      Available Pack Size : 50’s
      Available Strengths : 5 mg
      Registrations : Bangladesh
    • Vitamin E (Liqu-E)

      Product Description:

      Product Features:

      Product Name : Liqu-E (Bottle)
      Generic Name : Vitamin E
      Formulation : LHGC
      Available Pack Size : 30’s Plastic Container
      Available Strengths : 200 mg
      Registrations : Bangladesh
    • Pregabalin (Regab)

      Product Description:Sofosbuvir directly targets the Hepatitis C virus to stop it from making copies of itself in the liver. Sofosbuvir attaches itself to the genetic information called RNA to block the virus from multiplying.

      Product Features:

      Product Name : Soforal
      Generic Name : Sofosbuvir
      Formulation : Tablet
      Available Pack Size : 8’s
      Available Strengths : 400 mg
      Registrations : Bangladesh
    • Vitamin A-Z (Allion)

      Product Description:Sofosbuvir directly targets the Hepatitis C virus to stop it from making copies of itself in the liver. Sofosbuvir attaches itself to the genetic information called RNA to block the virus from multiplying.

      Product Features:

      Product Name : Soforal
      Generic Name : Sofosbuvir
      Formulation : Tablet
      Available Pack Size : 8’s
      Available Strengths : 400 mg
      Registrations : Bangladesh
    • Tiemonium Methylsulphate (Tivis Tablet)

      Product Description:Sofosbuvir directly targets the Hepatitis C virus to stop it from making copies of itself in the liver. Sofosbuvir attaches itself to the genetic information called RNA to block the virus from multiplying.

      Product Features:

      Product Name : Soforal
      Generic Name : Sofosbuvir
      Formulation : Tablet
      Available Pack Size : 8’s
      Available Strengths : 400 mg
      Registrations : Bangladesh
    • Sofosbuvir (Soforal)

      Product Description:Sofosbuvir directly targets the Hepatitis C virus to stop it from making copies of itself in the liver. Sofosbuvir attaches itself to the genetic information called RNA to block the virus from multiplying.

      Product Features:

      Product Name : Soforal
      Generic Name : Sofosbuvir
      Formulation : Tablet
      Available Pack Size : 8’s
      Available Strengths : 400 mg
      Registrations : Bangladesh
    • Iron Sucrose (Xenofer injection)

      Product Description:Bevacizumab is a recombinant humanized monoclonal IgG1 antibody that binds to and inhibits the biologic activity of human vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in vitro and in vivo.assay systems.

      Product Features:

      Product Name : Xenofer injection
      Generic Name : Iron Sucrose
      Formulation : Injection
      Available Pack Size : 1’s
      Available Strengths : 100mg/5ml
      Registrations : Bangladesh
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